Kalani Sitake Provo - The Saturday following Christmas day is here and there is nothing greater than the joy of college football. The changes announced by BYU during their early week press conference lead us to believe that there many great additions to come. With time constantly winding, little time was lost in making big time decisions. As Christmas eve was winding down Cougar nation received the excellent news that its very own golden boy, the Heisman hero, Ty Detmer would be returning home. Kalani Sitake had made one of the biggest recruiting jumps in BYU history with the addition of Troy Warner and Handsome Tanielu. Several commits to Stanford had begun to de-commit and other changes were molding the football landscape, or at least BYU's landscape. And to add on to the recruiting, Ty Detmer finalized his contract. Ed Lamb Along with the announcement of Ty Detmer, Sitake also announced the addition of Iliasa Tuiaki who was the Linebackers coach at Oregon...
Sports is like rock 'n' roll. Both are dominant cultural forces, both speak an international language, and both are all about emotions.. -Phil Knight